Training for pregnant women

Are you pregnant and wondering how to train? In this article, we give some tips and advice about exercise for pregnant women

Gravid kvinne som går i naturen

Øyvind Bringedal

Publisert: 10-06-2022

Table of contents

  1. 1. General information about exercise for pregnant women
  2. 2. How much should you exercise as a pregnant woman?
  3. 3. Which exercise should be avoided when pregnant?
  4. 4. Exercise for pelvic or back pain

NB: The content of this article is based on information obtained from on 05.06.22. Reservations are made for outdated content. We encourage all pregnant women to consult a doctor or midwife before starting exercise during pregnancy.

General information about exercise for pregnant women

It's great to stay active during pregnancy. The body undergoes many changes that can lead to pain, discomfort and weight gain. Exercise can prevent such things and also make you recover faster after giving birth. However, it is important that you listen to your body and take certain precautions when exercising while pregnant. Certain exercises and forms of exercise should simply be avoided when undergoing a pregnancy. In addition, there may be individual considerations that must be taken into account. No body or pregnancy is the same and it is important that you find something that works for you.

How much should you exercise as a pregnant woman?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. Firstly, it depends on how much you exercised before you got pregnant. If you are used to exercising a lot, Norwegian Health writes that you should continue at approximately the same level as before (this does not mean, however, that you should exercise in exactly the same way as before pregnancy). If, on the other hand, you have not been physically active before pregnancy, you must start slowly and gradually increase the amount of exercise. It's never good to go from 0 to 100 in training, and as a pregnant woman you have to take extra care.

Another factor that must be taken into account is the training conditions where you are. You should avoid exercising when it is too hot or if the humidity is too high. Such conditions can therefore limit the amount of exercise for pregnant women.

A third factor is your individual circumstances as a pregnant woman. According to, women who are in the risk group for premature birth, or who have had several miscarriages in the past, should consult a midwife or doctor. There may also be other medical reasons why you should limit or avoid exercise during pregnancy. That is why we strongly urge all pregnant women to consult a midwife or doctor before starting exercise during pregnancy.

Which exercise should be avoided when pregnant?

You must avoid all forms of exercise where there is a risk of blows or shocks to the stomach. These include handball, martial arts, football and diving. Furthermore, one should avoid diving when pregnant; the change in pressure that occurs when diving can be harmful for the foetus. There are also certain exercises that should be avoided when pregnant, including heavy bench press because it causes a lot of pressure in the abdomen. When it comes to the intensity of the training, it should be moderate according to This means, among other things, that you must avoid too heavy lifting and too hard cardio training.

Exercise for pelvic or back pain

Many pregnant women experience back or pelvic pain during pregnancy. Exercise can relieve these pains. Examples of types of exercise that can be good in this regard are: Swimming, cycling on a low seat, and sling training. However, it is important to listen to your body, if a training exercise hurts you should stay away from it. If you have severe pain in your back or pelvis, you should contact a doctor and possibly a physiotherapist.

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